7 Ways to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

November 20, 2019

As we discussed in our last post, “4 Benefits of Gratitude,” having a grateful attitude can help you to be happier and healthier in many ways. But how do you cultivate the characteristic of gratitude in order to reap those benefits? In this post, we’ll go over seven simple things that can help you to develop an attitude of gratitude.

Express thanks out loud every day.

If you’re religious, you might do this through prayer. If you don’t adhere to a particular religion, you can simply express thanks to the universe for the things that make you happy.

Say thank you to the people around you.

Chances are, people do things for you every day, and recognizing those things can help you develop greater appreciation for them. Thank your spouse for running an errand; say thank you to the cashier at checkout; a stranger who opens the door for you; your coworkers for doing their jobs.

Give compliments.

Along with saying thank you, complimenting people can also help you develop gratitude for them and the good traits they have. Try to be observant and notice something you like about another person—then share it.

Thank yourself.

Remember to acknowledge gratitude toward yourself as well. At the end of the day, thank yourself for the things you accomplished and for trying to be the best person you can be.

Be a good steward.

Taking good care of what you have can make you more grateful. You can take care of your body by eating right and exercising; your possessions by using them carefully and maintaining them; or your relationships by making time to connect with the people you love.

Do something to make someone else happy

Pick up a treat for someone to let them know you’re thinking about them. Play a game with your kids. Do a chore that is usually your partner’s responsibility. Focusing your attention on making others happy will reflect back on you, bringing greater happiness and gratitude into your life as you bring good things into the lives of those around you.

Keep a gratitude journal.

Take a few minutes each day to reflect on something you’re grateful for, and record it. You may choose to keep a personal diary, or you may prefer to share the spirit of gratitude by posting the things you’re grateful for on social media.

As you make a habit of recognizing and acknowledging the good things in your life, you’ll find that you notice more and more things that spark gratitude. And as you develop an attitude of gratitude, you’ll find that your life becomes happier, healthier, and more abundant.