Tips for Teleworking Success

April 9, 2020

COVID-19 has caused many changes in how we lead our daily lives. For a lot of us, one of these changes is working from home. Teleworking offers greater flexibility and comfort, but it also comes with its own unique challenges. Here are some tips for teleworking success during COVID-19.

Establish a Workspace and Work Hours

If you have space for a home office, wonderful. If not, set up a folding table in the bedroom, commandeer part of the dining room table, or find another area where you can set up your workspace. Having your equipment set up and ready to go each day will save time and minimize distractions. It’s also important to communicate with other members of the household about your work hours, and ask them to respect the fact that, even though you’re at home, you’re still on the job.

Maintain a Routine

When you used to commute to the office each day, you probably had a morning routine. Sticking to that same pattern can help get you in the mindset for work and normalize your new working environment. Get up at the same time, get dressed, and eat a healthy breakfast before heading into the “office.” This signals to your brain that it’s time to work and helps you to be more productive. Make sure you take a lunch break, as well as regular short breaks to step away from the computer so you can come back refreshed.

Set Goals

Hopefully you and your boss are still communicating regularly, but whether that’s the case or not, working from home probably offers you greater freedom and less supervision. Because of this, it’s important to set realistic goals for yourself so you can stay motivated and perform your job to the best of your ability. Sharing your goals with your boss and coworkers is also a great way to stay in touch and show that you’re dedicated to doing your best work at all times.

Allow Room for Interruptions

Despite your best efforts, the likelihood is that you will experience interruptions from family members, pets, or others. Planning for interruptions and keeping your schedule flexible enough to accommodate them can prevent you from becoming frustrated and allow you to adjust to the new rhythm of working from home.

Teleworking during COVID-19 can be tricky, but you can do it successfully as you balance work and play, keep yourself motivated, and allow time to adapt to changing circumstances.

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