Relationships and mental health go hand in hand. Couples counseling can help repair your relationship, with dedication, focused effort and consistency of everyone involved.

You have no doubt attempted to solve your relationship problems on your own. At Oregon Counseling, our goal is to help you uncover the thoughts, feelings, and actions that, though well intentioned, may be contributing to personal pain or distress in your couple relationship. You will likely be able to find joy in your life and your relationships again.

Marriage Therapy and Assessment of Your Relationship

With your help, one of our marriage counselors at Oregon Counseling will work to uncover the patterns that seem to get you stuck in well-intentioned but problematic communication. The very way that individuals seek emotional safety can sometimes lead to misunderstanding and defensive posturing. This can develop into a circuitous and sometimes subtle pattern of relational stagnation for couples. We often encourage clients to read “The Relationship Cure” or “The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work” both by John Gottman, Ph.D. Gottman is famous for his ability to predict whether or not relationships will succeed based on observation of nonverbal communication. His work is well worth reading and may be incorporated into our assessment of your relationship.

Couples Therapy Sessions

In couples therapy at Oregon Counseling, you can expect to change your dysfunctional communication styles as well as enhance and restore respect and trust in the relationship. By gaining greater awareness of problematic communication patterns, you will learn how to really talk to one another in a nurturing and respectful manner. As with other couples we have seen, you will likely see marked improvement in:

  • Communication with your partner
  • Recovering from infidelity; physical, emotional and internet-based
  • Negotiating differing parenting styles
  • Regaining the intimacy of early dating
  • Managing in-laws
  • Childrearing with positive reinforcement
  • Premarital conflict
  • Coping with family loss and chronic conditions like hearing loss, MS, Cancer