Why We Should Stop Minimizing Our Trauma
This article was written by our graduate intern Jaclyn Bogner What is trauma? Trauma is any experience—or series of experiences—that overwhelms our ability to cope. While there are a range of post-traumatic symptoms people experience, some… Continue reading
Ways to Set Boundaries Without Guilt
Do you find yourself saying “yes” to other people more often than you say “no”? Do you feel like people take advantage of your good nature and generosity? Are you frequently the helper, rather than… Continue reading
Is it Sadness or Depression?
Sadness is a normal reaction to grief, loneliness, and other difficult experiences. When you’re going through a hard time, or have suffered an especially devastating emotional blow, sadness can last a long time and be… Continue reading
Your Relationship with Yourself
We frequently talk about our relationships, but we often forget about the relationship we have with ourselves. Take a moment to check in with yourself. Be gentle. Do You Like Spending Time Alone? Some people… Continue reading
Anxiety Management
What do you do when you feel anxious? Most of us have some automatic responses to anxiety — but sometimes our automatic response isn’t helpful. One way you can deal more effectively with anxiety is… Continue reading
Mindfulness for Managing Anxiety
What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is exactly what it sounds like: It’s the simple act of paying attention and practicing awareness throughout your day. Mindfulness can be very beneficial for anyone who struggles with stress or… Continue reading
5 Healthy Boundaries to Set in 2021
The new year marks a fresh start for many people. It is an opportunity to evaluate the past year and set our intentions for the new year. While we focus on our new resolutions or… Continue reading
4 Tips for Practicing Self-Validation
Many of us may struggle with self-doubt or imposter syndrome from time to time. Because of this, we may also find it hard sometimes to validate ourselves. We might know how to validate others well,… Continue reading
How to be Hopeful During Difficult Times
As we’re nearing the end of 2020, many people are feeling exhausted and burnt out from enduring the ongoing pandemic. It’s been a long year filled with unexpected stressors. During a year like this, it… Continue reading
How to Cope This Winter During COVID
This past weekend Daylight Saving Time ended, marking a decrease in our exposure to sunlight for the winter months. Setting our clocks back an hour so that the sun begins to set before 5pm can… Continue reading