5 Ways to Shut Off the Brain before Bedtime
Tip 1. Meditate for 10 Minutes Meditation before bedtime can be a practice that helps to calm the mind and reduce stress. It has been proven to be beneficial for mental health, physical health, and… Continue reading
10 Tips to Get Better Sleep
One major factor that affects our mental health, that is often overlooked, is sleep. Unfortunately, in our culture we tend to glorify hustling and keeping ourselves busy at all times, at the expense of taking… Continue reading
4 Benefits of Gratitude
“Count your blessings” may have become a trite phrase, but there’s wisdom in the cliché. Research has shown that developing an attitude of gratitude can have positive benefits in nearly every area of our lives.… Continue reading
3 Ways to Build Your Self-Confidence
For some people, self-confidence seems to come naturally, but for most of us, it’s a character trait we have to develop. There are many ways to build your self-confidence, from improving your posture to trying… Continue reading
Tips for Sleeping Well This Summer
If you’re having trouble getting enough Z’s this summer, you can probably blame it on one of three things: climbing temperatures, an unbalanced diet, or the long hours of daylight that can disrupt your usual… Continue reading
4 Tips for Better Sleep
Having a hard time falling asleep when your head hits the pillow? Try these 4 tips for a better night’s sleep. Get on a regular sleep schedule. Your sleep is important not only for your… Continue reading